Saturday, November 26, 2011

Big Girl Bed!!

Have you heard that my Jenna is a monkey?  Well, if you hadn’t, now you have. She’s a climber.  Climbs up the cabinets, climbs up on beds, climbs up on the table, climbs up the rock wall on the playset, climbs into her crib, climb, climb, climb.  We were afraid she was getting a BIT to efficient at climbing to be able to stay safely in her bed, so a few weeks ago, we made the leap ourselves to take our baby out of the crib.  Daddy, of course, had no problems.  It’s time, he says.  Mommy, of course, got all emotional. My baby is too tiny for a big girl bed (i.e. her crib with the side taken down).  She’s too little; she’s just a 2 ½ year old baby, IT’S JUST TOO SOON!!!  But one night shopping at Target with the kids, I finally picked up the Minnie Mouse bedding I’d been eyeing for weeks and said to Jenna, do you want a new blanket for a big girl bed??  And so it began. 
Turns out Jenna loves her big girl bed. Loves to jump on it, loves to sneak out of it after nap time to climb on the bathroom counters, loves to sneak out of it during the night to come sleep with us, loves to go try to wake up Bubby in the night to play, loves to come to the living room 294 times after we put in her bed to tell us she needs a drink, to go potty, a snack, to brush teeth, to read books, to see Cale, to snuggle, to watch a show… get the picture.  No really, she does fine it her big girl bed for a wired, hyper, active, happy 2 year old.  And I guess really not too tiny for it either.

Jenna’s Big Girl Bed….Daddy took the gate off and made it all nice and pretty for her while Cale and I distracted her in the living room

Climbing in her bed

So happy!!!  She loves her bed!!

She’s snuggled in with Dolly and is ready for sleep!
Ni-night Sissy!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Change The World Wednesday

A stolen title, a stolen idea...well, let's go with borrowed. You see, my sweet friend Captain Murdock (her mom is crazy for naming her that, huh?!?!) is on her way home from Ethiopia after a fabulous adoption court hearing resulting in the words, "He is yours!"  She started this Change the World Wednesday thing, and since she's on a jet plane on this glorious Wednesday, I took the liberty of stealing or borrowing her title and doing a Change the World Wednesday post.  I'm not saying it's what she'd say or even a topic she'd write about, but it's a post nonetheless!!

On our way to Cale's football game Saturday morning in our small town, we passed a weary looking man wearing very ragged clothes carrying 4 worn loaded bags.  He captivated me, and I said, "Eric, is he a homeless man?  I've never seen a homeless man here.  We don't have homeless people here. I can't believe I just saw a homeless person here."  I carried on so quickly, and if you know Eric, you aren't surprised he just looked at me and said, "It appears he is homeless."  Then I started in with my incessant talking again.  "Doesn't that break your heart? Can we help him? How could we help him?  I wonder where he's going, what he's doing?  I hope his bags aren't heavy."  All the while, Cale and Jenna are in the back seat with their jackets, sweatshirts, pop tarts, water bottles and cozy shoes.  Cale says, "Mom, what's wrong with that man?"  My only response was "He doesn't have a home honey."  

He doesn't have a home.

There are people in MY TOWN where I've lived for all my life and some of them don't have a home. This was shocking to me. I've always thought we were far removed from the city and the problems of downtown, the hurt of homelessness. Now, I've know we have our share of poorness, maybe even poverty.  I know there are struggling families in my town, in my neighborhood, in my kid's school.  But I had never seen a homeless man walking the streets of my town.

Jenna and I dropped Cale and Eric off at the game, and we headed back to the convenience store for some donuts and a cherry coke.  And I drove right past that man again.  I waited to see which way he would head and decided to take my chances and buy him a coffee and donuts.  On our way back, there he was, just making progress in his walk to nowhere.  The song on K-Love was about walking our faith.  I thought it was talking directly to me.  I stopped, he was on the opposite side of the road, and I asked him if he'd like a cup of coffee. He declined. I asked again, saying, "sir, I just bought this coffee for you at the convenience store, won't you take it and warm up a bit?"  He declined again, saying, "I better not. I'm trying not to take things from people."  Again, I can't understand this I guess, so I said, " I bought this coffee for you. Will you please take it?"  Again he declined, reiterating his decision and personal goal not to take things from people. (Why he has that thought, I have no idea.  Maybe it has to do with his circumstances? Pride? His place in his walk? I have no idea.)  And he added, "I'm trying to quit drinking so much coffee."  I finally let the man reject the coffee, said God Bless you dear and left him there, on the side of the road, dirty, cold, carrying a heavy load. What was I to do???

There's another man, I call him Tom. He has a bike with a basket, he carries lots of bags, and he always wears his coat, even in July. I see him frequently around my workplace.  I've asked around, other people that work there have seen him too.  I pray for him when I see him, I even gave him all the cash I had on me one day, all of $8.  That day, I drove past him in the parking lot, but I felt God saying, help him, help him, help him.  I had to BACK the car up, gave him the piddly amount of cash I had and said, God bless you sir.

There's another couple guys, I don't have names for them, that frequent one of the corners on our way to Children's Mercy, when we got to take Jenna for any appointments. Eric says it is not always the same guys, with the signs, asking for money.  I don't know about that.

Change the World Wednesday.  What do we do to change this part of our world??  There are so many homeless, so many hopeless, so many unemployed.  So many reasons for homelessness. Alcohol, drug addictions, job loss, family falls apart, no support system, no money. 

What can you do?  
  • pray
  • find a soup kitchen, a city mission, whatever
  • find a local organization to do volunteer work
  • buy someone a cup of coffee and hope you have better luck than I do
  • check with your church and see what ministries they or your local minister group has in place already
  • if you are in my area,  They are doing lots of great things around these parts! 
  • check with your local city or county government and see how you can help their outreach organization
  • call Salvation Army, they can direct you to how you can help
  • add to my list!!!!
I'm sure there's other ways to help. I'm sure there are better ways to help.  And maybe this isn't your passion. Maybe yours is homeless pets. Fine, go help them!  On this Change the World Wednesday, get out of your comfort zone and reach out to someone who needs reaching out to.  Do it. Now. GO!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Epic Fail

Our sermon Sunday at church was on Epic Fail.  You know, like when you fail, but not just in a normal maybe no one will notice kind of way, but an epic huge-o gigantic kind of way.  Our pastor was really talking more about when you are urged or convicted to act by the Holy Spirit, but you rationalize your way out of it. And by the time you realize your rationale is stupid (my rendition of the sermon!), you've missed your window to do a really cool God thing and the blessing that would've gone with it. Or you just feel like a big bag of doo doo when you don't do what you thought you were supposed to be doing.  Anyway, I had my own kind of Epic Fail on Sunday....

So, he's preaching on the Epic Fail, and we are reading in Luke 22, and I didn't bring my Bible to church because (are you ready for this excuse) it's just a lot to wrestle my kids, bags, purse and big ol' Bible....see, enter stupid rationale!  My fix for this part of my fail is that I'll use the Bible app on my phone!  How cool, just carrying it all the time.  Well, Joey is preaching, and I am fiddling with my phone, trying to search/pull up the right scripture, and I'm feeling really guilty for playing on my phone, even though I'm looking up scripture!   I finally find it, and I'm scrolling down to find the right verse, and it pops up, audio program loading.  OH NO!  OK, my phone's on silent, so surely it won't make any noise, but I back out of the Bible anyway, just to be sure. BUT all of a sudden MY PHONE STARTS TALKING!!!  It's this really monotonous man voice, and he's reading Luke 22.  And I CAN'T make him stop!!!  I tried to hide my phone, cramming it between my knees and trying to make is stop!  I had the Bible program off, it was on silent, I didn't know what to do!  I finally turned my phone off, but the man kept talking until it actually shut down, which felt like approximately  32 minutes, but was probably more like 32 seconds or less.  Meanwhile, I am cracking up, my mother is cracking up and the Lafferty family in front of me is cracking up. Silently of course!!!  At this point, I'm watching Joey, wanting to make sure he's not heard any of this nonsense, and he is just a preachin away as if I have not disrupted anything. GREAT NEWS!!    Carry on friends!!!

Carry on, until Kendra thinks she's clever and asks the family that sits in front of them if they heard something talking during church. And of course she did. And then Joey chimes in that he heard it too...WHILE PREACHING!!!  And a girl who was sitting in the opposite corner, yeah, she heard it too!!  And her husband who was at the back door, HE heard it too!!!  Joey even said that everyone on the other side of the church was looking our way.  Know what all that means?!?!?! 


The moral of the story....
When you don't take your Bible to church, it's like going to the pool without your swimming suit.
When you choose to use your Bible app at church, it's like if your swimsuit fell off at the pool!

And a serious side note, I sincerely apologize if my crazy app distracted you at a serious moment for you.  I hope you were able to get back into the sermon!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Oh Strep, You Haunt Me!!!

In the old days or PJ (Pre-Jenna), I would delight in a Strep Diagnosis. I would go to the doctor and say, "my throat hurts and I have a fever, please test me for strep." I would walk away with a sore hiney from the penicillin magic shot that would make my strep throat disappear!  I would take Cale in and say the same thing. A strep diagnosis meant there was medicine to help you!  It meant I didn't have to hear the dreaded "It's just a virus, push fluids" which really means, "sorry sweetie, suck it up, it'll get better in 7-21 days!!!"   Those are DREADED words in my book. However, in AJ times (you know, after Jenna), things have changed.  Ever since our first and hopefully last case of strep head, I am terrified of strep. THEY (infectious disease docs) tell me it was a one in a million thing and that for Jenna to get strep head again, it would be another one in a million chance. Well, I say Jenna likes to beat the odds and can be that one in a million, again.  And need I remind you that I had my tonsils out to eliminate part of the threat of strep.  And I have ordered a bubble to keep her in and am waiting on its arrival...

So, Mr. Cale has been running a fever since Wednesday morning sometime. Nothing seemed to help break the fever, he just kept on being a little hottie, even if we alternated Tylenol and Advil.  So, I called the doctor today and my favorite Nurse Kelly called me back. She suggested that we take him in, strep is going around and he had 3 of the 4 main symptoms...
  1. Fever - CHECK
  2. Stomach Ache - CHECK
  3. Headache - CHECK
  4. Sore Throat - no check
So good Daddy takes him in, and the doc takes one good look at him and says, "Oh ya, I think it's strep. Let's do a strep test."  And lo and behold if it doesn't come back positive as strep, which used to woulda been my favorite diagnosis, if a diagnosis had to be made. 

But now....

I am moving Jenna to China til Cale is not longer contagious, which is sometime tomorrow morning.  Because LORD HELP ME if that girl gets strep head again!!!!! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Thirteen Dollars

Thirteen dollars,
is approximately...

the cash I had in my wallet Friday night

3.644 gallons of gas

( I never can stop at zero cents!!)

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's Large Java Chillers from America's favorite drive-in
( which I think are gross anyway)

2 happy meals and a grilled chicken salad from the Golden Arches

1/2 of my gas bill for the month of July

6 lunches for this kid at his school

and one month of food for this kid in his home

If you can give, please do
just click here
If you can't, if your funds go elsewhere to help, if you have other passions, please pray. 

If you donate by noon today, you have a part in raising money in honor of MB, my friend's little boy who is waiting in Ethiopia to be reunited with his brother Taz and the rest of his forever family.
You can leave sweet MB a note here.

thank you, from me, from MB's family, from FOVC who is supporting these struggling families

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Toddler Trick Tuesday

This little girl,

this sweet little thing,

was supposed to be eating one of these

but instead, she smashed it in a towel and it looked like this

and she exclaimed, with great joy and pride,

Someone. please. help. me. now!!!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Perfect Afternoon

Ya know how when you see something cute/cool/great/awe-inspiring/beautiful, you just want to take a picture of it so you can always look back at it and remember how cute/cool/great/awe-inspiring/beautiful it really was??  Well, I had that happen today, and I wanted to take a picture so desperately, but I didn't have my camera, and well, it really was more of a moment or a span of moments, and so I just laid there, in my "boat" aka raft, in the pool, watching my 2 sweet babies interacting with each other and nature with no words shared. I stared to intently at them, as if to engrave their actions and movements into my forever memory bank. 

My sweet Cale had was chasing some sort of bugs.  Was it a grasshopper, butterfly, locust, fly?  I have no idea. I never saw what the sweet boy was chasing.  He would investigate it intently, hands on bent knees, focused on the spot of grass in front of him, then he would JUMP UP and run this way and that, until the tiny creature landed again.  And he would assume his inquisitive stance, knees bent, hands on knees, face toward the spot of grass. This continued on for some time, so sweet, so innocent, so wonderful. 

Just a little behind Cale, I could see Miss Jenna, doing her own little thing.  Wet headed, arms stuck straight out because of her flowery floaties, and her little self bopping up and down in her ruffled two piece swimming suit, she was much entertained by the tomato garden. She slowly walked up and down the rows of plants, no doubt on her tippy toes, so as to spare her tiny feet some of the pain of the hard dirt, up and down each row, looking at the tall plants, the green leaves, the red tomatoes.  She finally popped out of the garden and toddled over to the swing set, pushing each empty swing into the air, singing "swing, swing, swing, swing."  After a few minutes of swinging the swings, she decided to join her brother in the bug investigation.  So then they both assume the investigation aboslutelyadorable.  All the while, I was laying in my raft, skin warm from the sun and  heart warm with love for my kids and filled with awe of God's creations, cool water beneath me, blue skies above me, fluffy white clouds just still, like my heart, like my kids, for just these few moments.
Eventually they tired of this, Cale got hot and jumped back in the pool, Jenna started running and hollering. Sweet moment over.  Engraving done. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

IT Happened and I Couldn't Stop It!!!

IT would be that my child, my first born, my little love, my little boy, my sweet sweet son is in first grade!  I know, I know, I can't stop time, I can't put a brick on his head (sorry Calvin, it just doesn't work!), I can't keep him little.  And now Cale is officially in first grade.  So without further ado, here is the cutie patootie on his meet the teacher night and first day of first grade!!

How cute is this little guy?  And he kindly obliged his mama when I said, "let's take a picture in front of the sign (while you stare directly into the sun)!!"

Smiling, squinting, sunset!!!

His sweet teacher, Mrs. Meyer, made us this first grade survival kit. There was a darling little poem with these fun little things attached. Very cute, very nice.  Well, you can see that there is candy...which Cale promptly had to take off. So we took a quick pic!

Here's my 2 sweeties on the first day!  Notice Jenna has her backpack on too. Must. Be. Like. Cale.  Jenna has the sweetest, most genuine smile right here.  And then there's Bub. He's got the "clenched teeth I'm a boy taking a picture" smile going on.
Funny Jenna story...I took her to Ann's on the 2nd day of school and asked Bub to stay in the car. Bossy Pants, as I take her out of her car seat, says "Cale, get out."  I said, "No, Jenna, Cale is staying in the car. You are going to Ann's and he's going to school."  Sassy Bossy Pants screams "CALE GET OUT!!"  Needless to say, she is deliriously angry NOT happy about Cale not going with her to Ann's or should I say Cale going to school without her!

Second try, hmmmmm, little better and then sissy was outta there!

Cale's on his own and I get the good smile, finally!!! 
Please don't look at the white patches on my wall.  Unless of course, you look at it and it makes you want to come paint my whole living room, kitchen, entry and hallway. Then please, look all you want, and then run to Home Depot for paint!!!
 I took his 1st day of Kindergarten picture here (there weren't white patches then) and so then I had to take 1st day of 1st grade here, you know, to mark his growth against the light switch plate. Genius, huh???

Cale with his teacher. He is very very very kinda nervous about first grade.  I guess they did some some project in there at the end of kindergarten, and Cale remembers it as being "hard."  So he has this idea that Mrs. Meyer is going to be "really really hard."  She seems pretty darn nice to me. Sorry Cale, but hard is good!   It makes ya think!

Big first grader at his desk.  What a doll he is!!!

I took the day off so I could take him and pick him up (have I mentioned lately how wonderful and flexible my boss is....I never have to miss these moments because of her!) and this is what I was greeted with. Actually, I was greeted with the most giant hug in the world, a big kiss and a sweet smile!  Then I dug this darling hat out of his bag and captured this moment of joy on my big 1st Grader's face.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

First Grade, WHAT???

Remember this face??

He was just enrolled in First Grade! 

From experience, I know what happens in first grade. The teachers, they don't advertise it, but this is what happens. At some point during first grade, they do some major changing and one morning your student will wake up, and you will see that he or she is not a baby anymore.  They are big kids, reading books, adding numbers, subtracting numbers, talking about mammals and what makes a mammal be mammal, talking about equality, entrepreneurship and how Columbus sailed the ocean blue.  They start to smell funny, grow much taller, can't kiss their mothers in public, chase girls (although they don't really know why yet), start loosing their teeth and tell really terrible and not funny jokes.  They start to become dependable in larger tasks, follow several step directions and come to logical conclusions on their own.  Folks, independence really takes off here, and your babies, they aren't babies anymore!  So kiss those baby cheeks while they are there, because sometime during first grade, they grow up too. 

**Stay tuned for the next school related post, which will give you great advice in what kinds of teacher gifts to be looking for, and no, none of them involve apple printed anything.**

Friday, July 1, 2011

First World Problems

I found this on one of the adoption blogs I follow.  Actually, I've seen it on a couple adoption blogs today.  I think it speaks well for our society and how many of us really don't have a whole lot to complain about.  This is NOT to minimize real issues that the United States and the folks here experience, because I know there is poverty, abuse, hurt,sadness and much more running rampant here as well as abroad.  But the day to day things that we let affect us, let's try to let them go! 

Also, if you want to read more about how we feel "woe is me" here in the good ol' US of A, read about one of my favorite little boys experience with a mouse trap and how his mom finds a good life lesson in it.

Without further ado, here is this hilarious little rap I came across today.  Hilarious and honest and heart felt...

My first world problem today was that the Burger King guy took a minute, a WHOLE minute, to begin to take my order. JEEZ!!  Some people!!!  Haha, wow!!  I need to remember to check my perspective (and to go to the grocery store for bananas and protein breakfast bars). How about you?  Any first world problems stick out in your mind today?  (No pun intended Captain Murdock!!)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Two weeks old and 4 years old, brand new love

2 years old and 6 years old, still in love

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Toddler Trick Tuesday with a Six Year Old Special Stunt

Jenna is a quick little learner. And it's a good thing!!  My parents have a pretty good sized pool in their backyard.  You know, the in ground kind with a diving board. Rough, I know.  We learned early on this summer that Jenna has NO FEAR of the water. None. Notta. Zilch. Zero. None. NO FEAR of the water. So, combine this fabulous in ground pool with an active, fearless toddler and you get a CRAZY, TERRIFIED, OVER PROTECTIVE Mommy, Daddy, Papa, Mimi, Uncle Eli and Aunt Hallie.  And of course big brother Cale watches out for her when she's near the pool too.  This has led to us really working with Jenna on letting someone know she's going to jump in and on kicking her feet. Jenna has spent HOURS this summer saying Mommy ready, Hallie ready, Papa ready, Annie ready, anybody else who wants to catch me ready???  (this is her way of telling us she's jumpin in!).  But, thanks to a steady mantra of kick your feet, kick your feet, kick your feet. we have a new trick to share...

Oh yes, I know, she is QUITE talented!!!  She goes all over the pool now!! ALL OVER!!!  It's really cute, and I am much less nervous now that she has learned to use those little arm floaty thingies. Public Service Announcement: YES I know that those little inflatable arm thingies are not life saving devices.  My eyes still do not come off of her, but I know that I can let go and she won't sink like a lead balloon!!

the classic Jenna Has A  Big Mouth Like Mommy face

Blowing bubbles, yet another terrific toddler trick

Cale has also had a great summer of swimming and has really advanced his own skills, and without the aid of flowery floatable arm things!!!  He passed his swimming lessons with STRENGTH marked on every single objective!  YAY CALE!!!  I tried to get some pictures of him tonight, but alas, he poo-pooed that idea and avoided my camera anyway he could.  I deleted the one of the water without Cale but with the bubbles his speedy departure left, since he had escaped my view before my dreadfully slow camera decided to act.

And down he goes.  No picures Mom. None please. No really, I hate the pictures today!

I did capture this video his his Six Year Old Special Stunt. It's pretty impressive I think, and it's complete with it's own Ta-Da!!

I love the Ta-Da!!!

Lastly, thanks to Papa for taking care of the oh so cool in ground pool with a diving board to that we have a free, fun and non-busy place to practice all our tricks and stunts.  I know its a lot of work. Sadly, I also know we rarely ever NEVER help you with it!!  But, none the less, thank you Papa for providing this great place to play, exercise, learn and love!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Just a few words... :)
I LOVE my swimming lessons!!!!!

I HATE these swimming lessons!!  Let me GET DOWN DAD!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Toddler Trick Tuesday


We went to a Bible Camp Rodeo over the weekend, which I will blog about in more detail later. Jenna, my tiny cowgirl, was putting her tomboy in HIGH GEAR!  This petite curly haired sassy girl of mine was jumping in mud puddles, trying to drink muddy water, chasing cowboys, climbing fences and kissing goats.  When we finally left the rodeo, her boots and legs were coated in mud.  She had a great time!!  So did Cale. Like I said, more on this rodeo later.  For now, this week's toddler trick was brought to you by my muddy baby gir!l  It didn't take her much time to feel a little TOO comfortable climbing that fence! 
And go ahead, leave a comment about how CUTE this girl is!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Wordsday Thursday on a Friday

It's been that kinda week folks, the kind where Wordsday Thursday on a Friday seems all kinds of normal!!! 

I guess most of you are just wondering what the kids are up to, what are weekend plans are and what we're having for dinner tonight....WHAT? No??  Oh, right, you want to know WHAT THE HECK is up with my random pictures of  "Damaged State Properly" and damaged personal property!!  Ha ha, OK, let me tell you the little story of my giant stupidity.

It all started on Wednesday morning as I was getting on the highway.  Local folks can visit the on ramp to the highway nearest my parents for your personal viewing of the destruction.  I looked away for just a moment and when I looked back up, WHAM, there was a pole right there in the middle of the road. Okay, I lied.  It wasn't in the middle of the road, it was on the side of the road where one is not supposed to drive their vehicle.  I think it also used to have a tiny reflector on it so one could see at night that they were not supposed to drive there. Apparently on this Wednesday morning, I needed more than a tiny reflector. 
Yep, I can clearly see here the little reflector is no longer there. Or MAYBE the reflector had already been knocked off, and this is a contributing factor to my automobile mishap.  Nah, probably not!  Oh, can you see that black thing in the grass beyond my tiny reflectorless pole?  That black thing used to be on my car.  Oops!  When I took it to Leo at Bret's Autoworks he mentioned that more of the protective covering was missing from underneath my car (we've had a piece hanging down for a month or so, thanks Leo for taking that off too!).  Leo, I found some of it, wanna put it back on??  If you are local folks, I really, highly  recommend using the fine folks at Bret's Autoworks for your automotive needs.  They are fair, they are honest and Leo has a key when the vending machine eats your money. 

Ahh, this is pole #2 or 3 in my own little demolition derby.  It is on the other side of the on ramp from the first pole. I can't really explain in writing what I did. I have to talk with my hands for this one, but if you can just imagine my little car working like a pinball between all these tiny poles, you'll pretty much get the gist of it.

The damage sustained was minimal compared to what it could've been, I suppose.  A little buffing and painting and it should be nearly like it was!  This is the first point of impact, the "holy cow, there's a pole in the road" moment for me. 
I guess this is when I started spinning around like a pinball and is the 2nd point of impact, but I really can't say.  I was really trying more to not shoot onto the highway in a nontraditional method, then trying not to meet the bottom of the large ditch on the other side, resulting in an air bag deploying, sunglasses breaking, engine exploding kind of moment. 

This is....besides the back of my car, I really don't know. I THINK this is the pole scratching as it came out from underneath my car, or the result of another pinball hit on a pole. I don't know, just another piece of evidence in my stupidity. 
Alas, I did stop the car before I crammed it into the ditch, so there was not an air bag deploying, sunglasses breaking, engine exploding kind of moment for me on Wednesday morning. And for that I am thankful. Also for these things I am thankful....that I had already dropped off my kids, that no one was behind me, that God guided my car to safety and delivered me safely to work that morning, that some nice person called the police to come to my aid (although I had already established that I was fine to move on with my day), that the cop was a nice man more concerned with my safety than the "damaged state property" he had to write an incident report on, that my boss and co-workers are so understanding, that the car had minimal damage (can you say transmission scare with me??) and that I live in a small town and was able to laugh a little and unnerve with the "second officer on the scene" aka a former neighbor.

And a public service announcement here: Driving distracted is dangerous. Yes, I am guilty many a day, a lot of the time, of driving distracted. Eating breakfast, drinking water, looking for my phone, putting an address in the GPS, watching the kids in the get the picture. A moment folks, my eyes were off the road for a MOMENT (and my tires need aligned) and in just a flash, I was off the road.  No one was hurt, no one was around me, thankfully.  I ask of you to look at your driving habits and think hard on what things distract you.  Please please please eliminate them.  Unless they're your kids, don't eliminate your kids.  Just drug them.  Haha, no no, don't do that either!

So there you have it, Wordsday Thursday on a Friday.  Much fun huh?!?!