Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Toddler Trick Tuesday with a Six Year Old Special Stunt

Jenna is a quick little learner. And it's a good thing!!  My parents have a pretty good sized pool in their backyard.  You know, the in ground kind with a diving board. Rough, I know.  We learned early on this summer that Jenna has NO FEAR of the water. None. Notta. Zilch. Zero. None. NO FEAR of the water. So, combine this fabulous in ground pool with an active, fearless toddler and you get a CRAZY, TERRIFIED, OVER PROTECTIVE Mommy, Daddy, Papa, Mimi, Uncle Eli and Aunt Hallie.  And of course big brother Cale watches out for her when she's near the pool too.  This has led to us really working with Jenna on letting someone know she's going to jump in and on kicking her feet. Jenna has spent HOURS this summer saying Mommy ready, Hallie ready, Papa ready, Annie ready, anybody else who wants to catch me ready???  (this is her way of telling us she's jumpin in!).  But, thanks to a steady mantra of kick your feet, kick your feet, kick your feet. we have a new trick to share...

Oh yes, I know, she is QUITE talented!!!  She goes all over the pool now!! ALL OVER!!!  It's really cute, and I am much less nervous now that she has learned to use those little arm floaty thingies. Public Service Announcement: YES I know that those little inflatable arm thingies are not life saving devices.  My eyes still do not come off of her, but I know that I can let go and she won't sink like a lead balloon!!

the classic Jenna Has A  Big Mouth Like Mommy face

Blowing bubbles, yet another terrific toddler trick

Cale has also had a great summer of swimming and has really advanced his own skills, and without the aid of flowery floatable arm things!!!  He passed his swimming lessons with STRENGTH marked on every single objective!  YAY CALE!!!  I tried to get some pictures of him tonight, but alas, he poo-pooed that idea and avoided my camera anyway he could.  I deleted the one of the water without Cale but with the bubbles his speedy departure left, since he had escaped my view before my dreadfully slow camera decided to act.

And down he goes.  No picures Mom. None please. No really, I hate the pictures today!

I did capture this video his his Six Year Old Special Stunt. It's pretty impressive I think, and it's complete with it's own Ta-Da!!

I love the Ta-Da!!!

Lastly, thanks to Papa for taking care of the oh so cool in ground pool with a diving board to that we have a free, fun and non-busy place to practice all our tricks and stunts.  I know its a lot of work. Sadly, I also know we rarely ever NEVER help you with it!!  But, none the less, thank you Papa for providing this great place to play, exercise, learn and love!!

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