Thursday, August 18, 2011

IT Happened and I Couldn't Stop It!!!

IT would be that my child, my first born, my little love, my little boy, my sweet sweet son is in first grade!  I know, I know, I can't stop time, I can't put a brick on his head (sorry Calvin, it just doesn't work!), I can't keep him little.  And now Cale is officially in first grade.  So without further ado, here is the cutie patootie on his meet the teacher night and first day of first grade!!

How cute is this little guy?  And he kindly obliged his mama when I said, "let's take a picture in front of the sign (while you stare directly into the sun)!!"

Smiling, squinting, sunset!!!

His sweet teacher, Mrs. Meyer, made us this first grade survival kit. There was a darling little poem with these fun little things attached. Very cute, very nice.  Well, you can see that there is candy...which Cale promptly had to take off. So we took a quick pic!

Here's my 2 sweeties on the first day!  Notice Jenna has her backpack on too. Must. Be. Like. Cale.  Jenna has the sweetest, most genuine smile right here.  And then there's Bub. He's got the "clenched teeth I'm a boy taking a picture" smile going on.
Funny Jenna story...I took her to Ann's on the 2nd day of school and asked Bub to stay in the car. Bossy Pants, as I take her out of her car seat, says "Cale, get out."  I said, "No, Jenna, Cale is staying in the car. You are going to Ann's and he's going to school."  Sassy Bossy Pants screams "CALE GET OUT!!"  Needless to say, she is deliriously angry NOT happy about Cale not going with her to Ann's or should I say Cale going to school without her!

Second try, hmmmmm, little better and then sissy was outta there!

Cale's on his own and I get the good smile, finally!!! 
Please don't look at the white patches on my wall.  Unless of course, you look at it and it makes you want to come paint my whole living room, kitchen, entry and hallway. Then please, look all you want, and then run to Home Depot for paint!!!
 I took his 1st day of Kindergarten picture here (there weren't white patches then) and so then I had to take 1st day of 1st grade here, you know, to mark his growth against the light switch plate. Genius, huh???

Cale with his teacher. He is very very very kinda nervous about first grade.  I guess they did some some project in there at the end of kindergarten, and Cale remembers it as being "hard."  So he has this idea that Mrs. Meyer is going to be "really really hard."  She seems pretty darn nice to me. Sorry Cale, but hard is good!   It makes ya think!

Big first grader at his desk.  What a doll he is!!!

I took the day off so I could take him and pick him up (have I mentioned lately how wonderful and flexible my boss is....I never have to miss these moments because of her!) and this is what I was greeted with. Actually, I was greeted with the most giant hug in the world, a big kiss and a sweet smile!  Then I dug this darling hat out of his bag and captured this moment of joy on my big 1st Grader's face.


kristen said...

Ahhh, Cale looked adorable on his first day of 1st grade (and Jenna, too!). I bet he had fun. It's hard to believe our boys are in first grade - it's so bittersweet.

Isaac had that same hat from the first day and we take our pictures in the same spot in our house :)

Captain Murdock {} said...

Ahhh, gush!!!

First, I cannot believe how much Cale looks like Eli!!!! F-reeakk-eee!

Second, is his teacher 17?

Ahhh, happy day little man! When Jenna starts 1st grade - then you'll really need counseling ;)

Tamara B said...

Shiloh, I stopped by to say Hi and realized I've been here before. I love meeting Shonda's friends. She's a wonderful friend and my family is blessed to know her family. We all love them... which is why I'm a bit jealous that my hubby will see them in a week or so and I won't. Anyway, yes, it's a joy to share about their adoption and ask people to pray. And an added bonus to my recent post is that I'm the friend (if you've talked about it with her at all) that is involved with FOVC. It's great to see people care about FOVC families.

My daughter sounds similar to your daughter. What fun!

Tamara B