Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wordsday Thursday

Wordless Wednesday is just that....a picture that tells the story all on it's own....hopefully!!!  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so Wordless Wednesday means I can just post a picture, and the picture tells the story itself.

Well, we have already established that I am long-winded, exaggerate and use too many words to describe anyything wordy, and so it was hurting me deep down in my soul to not have any words to my pictures on Wordless Wednesday.  BUT since the title was Wordless, then that meant no words.  Well, I quickly realized that while it was fun to do that, I needed a fix, and Wordsday Thursday was born.  Welcome to the first installment of Wordsday Thursday!!

You can look at Wordless Wednesday if you haven't yet.  Cale and now Jenna go to time-out when they are having problems getting control of their bodies and need a break. Our time-out is "put your nose on the door."   Jenna learned this concept from her brother, who has modeled this concept frequently for her for nearly 2 years now.  And now she has it perfected, and somestimes even mandates this for herself.  Last night, for whatever reason, Daddy put Jenna in time-out, so she went to the door and stood staring at it.  Not long after she'd been there, her sweet brother went to stand with her, in support of her indiscretion and to show her love.  Everyone now.....ahhhhhhh, that is precious!!! 

The second picture is them after she can take her nose off the door.  What a consequence, so rough, that you can immediately smile happily for the camera when it is over!! 


Captain Murdock {} said...

ha ha ha. My guess was time out, and I was right. When Anna has to sit on the stairs for time out, Joseph always tries to sit next to her (though I have a sneaky suspicion it is to aggravate, not console?)

Mesha said...

lol...that's funny.