Friday, July 1, 2011

First World Problems

I found this on one of the adoption blogs I follow.  Actually, I've seen it on a couple adoption blogs today.  I think it speaks well for our society and how many of us really don't have a whole lot to complain about.  This is NOT to minimize real issues that the United States and the folks here experience, because I know there is poverty, abuse, hurt,sadness and much more running rampant here as well as abroad.  But the day to day things that we let affect us, let's try to let them go! 

Also, if you want to read more about how we feel "woe is me" here in the good ol' US of A, read about one of my favorite little boys experience with a mouse trap and how his mom finds a good life lesson in it.

Without further ado, here is this hilarious little rap I came across today.  Hilarious and honest and heart felt...

My first world problem today was that the Burger King guy took a minute, a WHOLE minute, to begin to take my order. JEEZ!!  Some people!!!  Haha, wow!!  I need to remember to check my perspective (and to go to the grocery store for bananas and protein breakfast bars). How about you?  Any first world problems stick out in your mind today?  (No pun intended Captain Murdock!!)


Semi-feral Mama said...

I noticed you stopped by my blog today. Talk about whining about first world problems... my entire post was self-indulgent. In fact I apologized to our mutual friend, S, about how ridiculous I was being. Maybe it was my patheticness that inspired your post. If so, well at least something good came out of it.

Tamara B said...

How come I haven't been here before??? SFM, did you tell me about Shiloh and I was too busy doing something else to pay attention. Anyway, here now.

Problems: not being able to unfreeze my debit card yesterday. I blogged about it on my normal family/life blog But I have an adoption blog too that goes beyond the adoption and into serving those in need where my son was born. Glad to play a small part in that. If you want to check that out, it's

Nice to be here.

Captain Murdock {} said...

LOL. Shiloh - are you stealing all my friends?

Shiloh said...

haha, I guess I AM stealing all your friends. Take THAT Captain!! LOL!! Welcome adoption friends who's blogs I may or may not have been lurking on for several months now!

Suz said...

that video is the best.