Wednesday, April 11, 2012

NOT a Wordless Wednesday

You are looking at spontaneous love and adoration by a certain 6 year old boy who loves his little sister more than words.  We were on our way home from Eric's parents after spring break (And St. Patrick's Day, hence the green fingernails). Jenna was asleep and Mr.Cale just reached over to hold her hand.  OH. MY. GOODNESS!! My heart just melted.  Can I get a collective AMEN that this is absolutely adorable!!

Some other adorableness that I can't let go unsaid, lest I forget....

WELL apparently this is where "wordless" kicks in because I can't think of ANY of the cute things they've said and done recently.  And there have been a lot. Too bad y'all couldn't read (and I can't recreate!) the post that was in my head a couple nights ago when I couldn't sleep!!  

Stay tuned for more adorableness when I finally remember something!  

Friday, April 6, 2012

It's been that long??

Yes, yes it has. It's been 2 stinking long and short at the same time years since we sat in the waiting room while they remade my daughter's forehead, so so thankful for family and friends who distracted us.

Two years since we kissed the great canyons that were her temples and felt the bony ridge running up from her nose.

Two years since she was a swollen mess. 

Two years since she was broken, then healed. 

Two years since I was a total wreck until I felt the total relief of unexplainable peace sweep over me and knock me off my feet and into His arms.  Two years since the helmet. Two years...seems like a lifetime ago though! 
BUT check her out now!!! 

Perfectly perfect mostly round head!

No bony ridge!!  The little dips in her temples are growing deeper though. We are not sure if this is normal or of concern. We go for a follow up soon.

Another view of this adorable forehead....and her perfect teeth!!  Can you hear the contagious and wonderful laugh??

Nothin wrong with this kid....except a little sas! Is there surgery for that??? 

I am confident she is the most beautiful girl in the world!! 

Thank you Jeus for blessing us with her and for putting her in a place she could get help! 
For by YOUR stripes, she was healed!!